17 Best Classroom Helpers Ideas & Classroom Jobs List

If you want to add classroom helpers or classroom jobs to your class, this year then this post is for you. I’ll show you some creative ideas that other teachers are using so you can find the system that works for your classroom.

Benefits of Classroom Jobs

Classroom jobs help promote responsibility, teamwork, and a sense of community in your class. By assigning student jobs, you can encourage a positive learning environment and allow your students to feel involved in the daily tasks and routines. Sharing the workload also helps to save your time and sanity too!

Implementing Classroom Jobs

The Application Process

To create a sense of ownership, students’ responsibility and to reinforce life skills consider implementing a job application process for your students. You can design a simple form that asks for their name, the job they’re applying for, and a short explanation of why they would be a good fit.

This method allows students the opportunity to choose the role they’re most interested in and helps to develop their decision-making skills. Check out some more ideas for job applications below.

1 | Classroom Job Application

classroom job application

This 3rd grade teacher has students apply for jobs at the beginning of each month. This helps students be responsible and accountable for their duties. Then at the end of the month she pays them classroom bucks that they can spend at the class store for doing their jobs.

2 | Job Assignments

Once the applications are in, it’s time to assign the duties. If you have a large class, consider creating pairs or small groups for certain tasks, like cleaning and organizing specific areas. Post the student’s job list in a visible location so everyone knows their role.

3 | Clever Classroom Jobs System

class jobs chart

Here’s a space saving idea to display and rotate your classroom jobs. First, create a job list on a sheet of paper backed by cardboard. Then assign each student a number listed on a clothespin. Assign one student to the job Pin Rotator and have that student rotate the pins at the end of the week.

Creating a Classroom Job System

To create a successful classroom job system, decide which jobs are suitable for your students. Your list may include a teacher’s helper, line leader, paper passer, attendance monitor, and homework collector. The jobs that you select will depend on the age of your students.

At the end of this post I have a list of the most popular classroom jobs. Be sure to rotate the jobs regularly to provide equal opportunities for everyone. Read on to check out some ideas from other teachers of how to set up your job system.

4 | Tidy Team

classroom tidy team with tidy tubs

This first grade teacher has a tidy team. This team disperses tidy tubs at each table group when the class is doing an activity that involves cutting.

All students then place their scraps in the tidy tubs. Then the tidy team will take all the tubs and dump them in the main trash can.

5 | Job Lanyards

lanyards for classroom helpers

In this classroom the teacher assigns five students a job a day. Each job assignment comes with a lanyard that the students wear with pride. This system encourages students to take responsibility for themselves and their environment.

6 | Classroom Job Name Tags

classroom jobs name tags

Another fun idea is to provide your students with classroom job name tags. Students can wear the tags or you could also display the tags on a bulletin board for students to see their jobs.

Creating Job Titles

To make jobs more appealing, come up with creative and engaging job titles. For example, a technology helper could be the “Tech Guru,” and the line leader could be the “Captain.” Unique job titles can bring fun into the classroom and motivate students. Check out some more job title ideas below.

7 | Professional Job Titles

Professional Class job title ideas

This fifth-grade teacher created job titles that sound like professional adult jobs like equipment manager, security guard and banker. For each job she provides detailed job descriptions of what the duties include.

Classroom Job Display

A well-designed classroom job display helps to keep track of student tasks and ensures everyone knows their role. You can opt for a simple list, a colorful bulletin board, a pocket chart, or even a digital display. Let’s check out some classroom job display ideas below.

8 | Create a Now Hiring Display

now hiring display

This now hiring wall display is the focal point of this classroom. Under each Job title is a cute plant with a number that is assigned to a student.

9 | Pocket Chart Display Job System

class jobs chart

This teacher displayed pocket squares that she got from Target. This system would also work well with a pocket chart.

She writes students names on index cards and places them in the pocket behind their job assignment. On Friday the banker places class money in each of the pockets to pay the student for their work for the week.

Creating Classroom Job Charts

Your job chart should be easy to understand, include student names and job titles, and be updated regularly. You may want to incorporate symbols, icons, or images to represent each job especially for younger students.

You can get creative with the chart design, using different colors, themes, or even making it interactive, allowing each student to move their names to their new job. Let’s check out some examples below.

10 | Colorful Classroom Job Chart

colorful classroom helpers display

This colorful classroom job display is a great way to show who in the classroom is doing each job. A display like this could go on a bulletin board, blank wall or on your whiteboard at the front of the class.

Classroom Job Bulletin Board

A bulletin board can be a pretty and effective way of displaying classroom jobs. Create header titles for each job and leave space underneath to attach student names or photos.

Update the board frequently to show new assignments and consider adding small incentives to encourage successful completion of tasks and motivate students. Let’s check out some different ways to create job bulletin boards below.

11 | Class Crew Bulletin Board

class crew bulletin board

This fourth-grade teacher has an efficient system for her classroom jobs. She has a checklist that shows what number has been assigned to each student and also what jobs they have previously been assigned.

She also has them do each job for over a week, to help her remember who is doing what and to allow students to get better at their roles.

12 | Colorful Class Jobs Bulletin Board Idea

classroom job bulletin board display

Here’s a fun and colorful job bulletin board idea. Each job is listed on a name tag and student’s numbers are rotated to a new position each week.

13 | iHelp Bulletin Board Display

class helpers display idea

This fun classroom job bulletin board looks like a giant iPhone.

14 | Classroom Helper Ideas

classroom happy helpers

This first grade teacher has implemented one or two classroom helpers instead of 20 or so different jobs. The helpers can be changed every day or every week.

The classroom helper will assist the teacher with all the jobs like passing out papers, sharpening pencils, leading the line and anything else that the teacher needs. You can assign helpers based on good behavior or have a random system like choosing popsicle sticks.

If you want to try implement this one or two student classroom helper idea here are a few more ideas to display your helpers.

15 | Handy Helpers

handy helpers

To copy this handy helpers display have each student trace and color their hand and then write their name on it too. You can attach the hands with tape or Velcro to easily switch the helpers when needed.

16 | Classroom Helpers System

classroom helpers system

Here’s another good idea for a classroom helpers display. Print off student pictures and place them on two rings and then hang them on small command hooks. Then you can just flip the student to the front when it’s their time to be the classroom helper.

As a bonus this will make it super easy to keep your rotation equal for example you could flip one student every Monday morning and your good for the week!

17 | Self Portrait Student Helper Display

self portrait classroom helpers display

This is a similar idea to the one I just mentioned but instead of photos you have students create self-portraits!

Elementary Student Classroom Job Ideas

Now Let’s Check out the most popular classroom jobs in an elementary classroom and what each of those jobs does.

  1. Line Leader: Leads the class in an orderly manner when moving from one location to another.
  2. Door Holder: Holds the door open for classmates as they enter or exit the classroom.
  3. Attendance Monitor: Assists the teacher in taking attendance and may report absences.
  4. Board Cleaner: Erases the chalkboard or whiteboard at the end of the day or when needed.
  5. Pet Caretaker: Takes care of the classroom pet.
  6. Messenger: Delivers notes, papers, or messages to other classrooms or the school office.
  7. Classroom Greeter: Welcomes a new student or a visotor to the classroom.
  8. Materials Manager: Distributes and collects materials such as textbooks, papers, or supplies.
  9. Plant Caretaker: Waters plants and ensures they receive proper care.
  10. Technology Assistant: Helps set up or put away technology equipment like computers or projectors.
  11. Classroom Photographer: Captures moments during class activities or events.
  12. Lunch Helper: Assists in organizing lunch boxes or distributing lunch items.
  13. Classroom Cleaner: Helps tidy up the classroom by organizing desks, picking up trash, etc.
  14. Weather Reporter: Reports daily weather conditions to the class.
  15. Calendar Keeper: Updates and maintains the classroom calendar.
  16. Pencil Sharpener: Ensures pencils are sharpened and ready for use.
  17. Recycling Monitor: Collects and sorts recycling materials in the classroom.
  18. Art Supplies Monitor: Distributes and collects art supplies during art activities.
  19. Flag Holder: Raises and lowers the flag during flag ceremonies or special occasions.
  20. Classroom Librarian: Manages the classroom library system, including checking out and returning books.

Middle and High School Classroom Job Ideas

Here are some additional jobs that you may want to add if you’re teaching middle or high school

  1. Homework Checker: Collects and checks homework assignments and makes sure they are complete.
  2. Peer Tutor: Assists classmates with understanding and completing assignments.
  3. Tech Support: Helps troubleshoot technology issues in the classroom, such as with computers or projectors.
  4. Lab Assistant: Assists during science experiments or laboratory activities by setting up equipment and cleaning afterward.
  5. Class Blogger/Social Media Manager: Updates the class blog or social media accounts with news, announcements, or highlights of classroom activities.
  6. Discussion Leader: Facilitates class discussions by posing questions and encouraging participation from peers.
  7. Study Group Coordinator: Organizes study groups for exams or group projects, schedules meetings, and keeps track of progress.
  8. Presentation Coordinator: Assists classmates in preparing presentations, including creating slides, organizing content, and rehearsing.
  9. Classroom Historian: Keeps records of class events, projects, and achievements, such as maintaining a scrapbook or digital archive.
  10. Peer Mediator: Helps resolve conflicts or disputes between classmates through mediation and conflict resolution techniques.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the best way to organize a classroom helper chart?

To organize a classroom helper chart, you can use a bulletin board, chart paper, or a digital format. Create a visually appealing layout with designated spaces for each task and the name or picture of the student responsible for the task. Make sure to rotate the tasks regularly to give every child a chance to participate in different roles.

Where can I find free printables for classroom helper tasks?

Many websites offer free printables for classroom helper tasks. One of my favorite resources for classroom freebies is Pinterest. You could also create your own in Canva. They offer a variety of templates related to classroom jobs, many of which can be customized to fit your classroom needs.

How does incorporating classroom helpers benefit kids in preschool?

Incorporating classroom helpers in preschool not only teaches responsibility but also fosters cooperation, independence, and self-esteem. Students learn the importance of teamwork, contribute to the classroom community, and develop skills that will carry over into their daily lives beyond school.

What are some common jobs or tasks assigned to classroom helpers?

Common tasks assigned to classroom helpers include line leader, door holder, chair stacker, bathroom monitor, errand runner, table washers and materials manager. Other jobs may include calendar helper, light monitor, and attendance taker. These tasks can be adapted according to the age group and specific needs of your classroom.

Can you suggest creative ways to display classroom jobs?

To display classroom jobs creatively, try using unique materials like clothespins, hooks, magnets, or Velcro. You can also design visuals that match your classroom theme, like a garden with flowers representing each job, or a tree with hanging job leaves. Another idea could be using student photographs or avatars next to the tasks they’re responsible for.

What should teachers consider when selecting classroom helpers?

When selecting classroom helpers, it’s important to give every student the opportunity to take on different roles. Keep track of past assignments so that each child has a fair chance to participate. Consider the specific needs and abilities of your students to ensure that the tasks are suited to their skills. Finally, make sure to communicate clearly the expectations and responsibilities associated with each job.

Classroom Helpers Ideas Pinterest

I made this post so that it’s easy to save to Pinterest. To do so just click on the picture that you want to save and then click on the red P and select your Pinterest board!

I hope you found some new classroom helper ideas or classroom jobs that you want to try out in your class this year. If you enjoyed this post, please give it a share.

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