How Do I Start a Daycare in Michigan?

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So, you want to start a new or childcare center or daycare in Michigan? It involves several steps to ensure compliance with state regulations and create a safe, nurturing environment for children. Here is a detailed list of how to begin your journey to open your own daycare or childcare center:

Do I need a childcare license in Michigan?

Daycare in Michigan

Yes! This is a must! To provide childcare services in Michigan, you must obtain a license from the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Child Care Licensing Division (LARA). LARA oversees the licensing process for three distinct types of childcare establishments: childcare centers, group childcare centers, and family childcare homes. The type of license you obtain largely hinges on whether you intend to start a childcare program within a residence or in a non-residential building. Here are the legal definitions for each childcare organization, as outlined by Michigan law: A Child Care Center (CCC) is a facility, excluding private residences, that caters to one or more children under 13 years old for less than 24 hours per day. Additionally, facilities providing care for more than two consecutive weeks, regardless of daily care hours, are classified as childcare centers and necessitate a childcare center license. You can register your child care center for free at A Family Child Care Home (FCCH) is a private residence serving between one and six children for less than 24 hours per day, excluding children related to household members. Instead, an FCCH is where care is extended to an unrelated child for more than four weeks during a calendar year. You can register your family child care home for free at A Group Child Care Home (GCCH) is a private residence serving between seven and 12 unrelated children for less than 24 hours per day for more than four weeks. This capacity limit excludes children related to an adult household member. To get more parents for your services, please visit For comprehensive definitions of these license types and associated regulations, consult the LARA Child Care Licensing Rules and Statutes site. Once you comprehend these distinctions and make a decision, you can proceed to draft a business plan for your childcare program.

Childcare licensing requirements in Michigan

Michigan, like most states, has a lot of laws and requirements for childcare and daycare businesses. The subsequent phase in establishing a childcare enterprise is verifying your eligibility for licensure. Specific qualifications are necessary to acquire a license and manage various types of childcare programs in Michigan. Nonetheless, there are also broad requirements that pertain to all individuals seeking childcare licensure, which encompass: Being capable of meeting children’s needs adequately Ensuring that services and facilities provided promote the well-being of children Conducting oneself in a manner that prioritizes the welfare of children Exhibiting a readiness and capacity to adhere to state-established acts and regulations

Here are some requirements to be a childcare provider

Childcare centers