Apprenticeship Status and Safety Training Certification

The search string is a total of nine letters and numbers (no characters ', - , etc): the first four letters of the last name (use spaces to make four letters if the last name is shorter than four letters), the first letter of the first name and the last four digits of the social security number ( LLLLF9999 ). Letters can be entered

Uncle Sam ssn 123-45-6789 would be entered as Sam U6789
Goddess Minerva ssn 123-45-5555 would be entered as MineG5555
Richard Al-Ham ssn 111-44-1111 would be entered as AlhaR1111
Robert O'Brian ssn 111-22-3333 would be entered as OBriR3333
James McHenry ssn 555-66-1234 might be entered as McHeJ1234 or Mc HJ1234

If you cannot find the individual you are looking for, complete the certifications you have and see the notes below.

If a search string that was entered does not match with any records in the Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) database, this could be due to any of the following:

  1. Not a registered apprentice.
  2. The submitted search string does not match to DAS records (either the database has the wrong search criteria or you have the wrong search criteria).
  3. The apprentice agreement has not been submitted to DAS or has not been entered into the database (agreements must be submitted within 30 days of the date that the apprentice signed the agreement).

If you believe that the apprentice should be reported as registered and is not; please contact your local office of the Division of Apprenticeship Standards.