Oxford Houses are a clean and sober housing option for individuals in recovery. North Carolina is part of a network of 1,600 Oxford Houses with more than 13,200 beds. Individuals typically enter an Oxford House after completing a drug and alcohol treatment program. Individuals who are interested in living in an Oxford House apply directly to the house of their choice. Houses are financially self-supporting; members split house expenses, which average $100.00 to $150.00 per person per week. All Oxford House vacancies, locations and contact information in Wake County are listed on their website at: http://www.oxfordvacancies.com/ Select "NC" (state) and "Wake" (county) to display all current vacancies in Wake County Oxford Houses.
Global Content Zone 1 Agency Detail - Below Description (Zone 50) Information provided by: Alliance Health(919) 812-8282
Karen McKinnon, Women's Resource Coordinator
(856) 418-4918
Jacklyn Sledge, Outreach Coordinator
$100-$150/wk. call preferred location to fill out an application and set up an interview. www.oxfordvacancies.com
Application Process Apply to location of choice Documents Required Please call or visit website to learn more about eligibility requirements. Eligibility RequirementsPersons in recovery/ persons on medication assisted treatment. Committed to recovery and a new way of life.