If you are applying for an On, Off or Club alcohol licence, you must have a certified Duty Manager who has both a Licence Controller Qualification and a Manager’s Certificate.
You must include the following:
An application fee of $316.25 (includes GST) applies.
You can submit your application and application fee by post, email or in person.
Applications can be posted to:
Far North District Council
District Licensing Committee
Private Bag 752
Send us an email:
Applications can be dropped off at any Council Office or Service Centre.
Pay by cash, eftpos or credit card.
A certified manager must be on duty at all times when alcohol is being sold or supplied to the public. If the certified manager is ill, absent, dismissed or has resigned, a licensee can formally appoint a temporary or Acting Manager.
You are legally required to give us notice of the appointment, or termination of the appointment, of any manager, Temporary Manager, or Acting Manager.
Notice must be given within 48 hours of the appointment or termination being made.
It is not necessary to notify us if the appointment will not exceed 48 hours, however it is recommended that such appointments are recorded in a daybook, or log book, along with the reason for the appointment.
You must hold a register (list) of all the certificated managers, acting managers or temporary managers you use at your premises. This must be available for Police or Inspectors to view at all times. You can create your own register or utilise the template available on the Alcohol.org.nz website Alcohol.org template
Last updated: 28 Jun 2024 7:27am
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